Let me share with you an email I received this morning:
"Congraulations! We’ve selected your poetry submission to use on an upcoming episode of “Travel with Rick Steves.” Your three haiku about the sites along Interstate 90 will be read near the end of program #166, which airs the weekend of March 21, and includes interviews about round-the-world family travel, and Southern California.
You should be able to hear it locally on KUOW 94.9 FM on Saturday afternoon, March 21 starting at 2pm."
I submitted this trio of haiku a year ago and forgot all about them! And here they have been out there in the world all this time - and now will find their moment of radio fame.
We take our own home towns too much for granted, don't you think? We travel to other people's towns, other countries without ever truly seeing the wonders of our own. We need to look around us with the eyes of an explorer, appreciate what we too often take for granted. It was in that spirit that I wrote my I-90 haiku series (I have dozens of haiku now), celebrating my daily commute out the interstate to Geekatopia. Here are a few (And yes, I take liberties with the form but I write in English not Japanese - that's my story and I'm sticking to it.):
Bellevue rides a rhythm
of rail and boat and road -
a heart pumping, centered.
A tawny Jaguar stealthily
prowls up eighth,
closing in on parking.
Only the cadence of cars
dancing to the lights at the corner,
music as day dawns.
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