Okay, last week's story was a bit on the serious side so this week's offering is more fun.
“Strike!” yelled Keith, pumping his fist.
“Don’t get excited, you got no chance of catching me. You’re buying dinner tonight.”
“There’s a lot of frames left, Dougie old man.”
“You wish.” Doug lifted his black pearl ball, taking his stance at the line.
“Did I tell you Fran picked out her engagement ring?” said Keith as his brother fixed his eyes on the end of the lane.
“Nice try,” said Doug launching the ball in a precision trajectory for the sweet spot left of center pin.
The ball arched from right gutter, left into the notch where it detonated pins in all directions.
“Yes! How’s that for pin action, kid?”
“Not bad for an old geezer,” said Keith. “I could use a beer.”
“Quit stalling. Get it over with so you can buy us some burgers.”
“You said you wanted burgers, Doug.”
“You’re buying so I’m having steak. Got to keep up my strength for the next time you need your clock cleaned, kid.”
“Next week you’re buying me a monster pepperoni with double cheese.”
“Dream on,” said his brother. “Hey, what was that you said about an engagement ring?”
“Fran found one she wants. Look.” He flipped open his cell, scrolled, handing the phone to his brother.
“You got to be kidding! She wants a pee colored diamond?”
“It’s called a canary diamond. Fancier than plain white.”
“More expensive too I’ll bet. Fran’s got you where she wants you.”
“She should have the one she wants. She’ll wear it forever.”
“You’re setting yourself up to be a whipped man for life, kid. You’re as crappy with women as you are a bowler if you let her play this game.”
“Fran doesn’t play games.”
“They all play games. This yellow diamond thing is a test, take it from me. You hand over the plastic and you’re a keeper. Don’t and you’re history.”
“You’re wrong.”
“You think so? Tell her she’ll have to be satisfied with a plain white diamond and see how fast she heads for the exit.”
Keith chewed slowly, then swallowed.
“Dougie old man,” he said at last. “You’re a guy who lives like he bowls, sighting on the goal, following through to score - but you can’t see the bigger picture.”
“Oh yeah?”
“You know I’ve had my eye on that ‘65 T-Bird in Tacoma, right?”
“Sure. Mint condition, rebuilt eight,” said Doug. “Kiss it goodbye if you bankrupt yourself springing for a yellow rock, kid.”
“Okay, let’s say I talk Fran out of the canary yellow. She loves me so she’ll marry me anyhow. But, what are the chances she’ll ever let me forget she made the sacrifice?”
“Hmm. Zero to none, I suppose.”
“Right. And what are the chances I’ll ever be parking that sweet T-Bird in my garage?”
“Have to say, you got a hell of a hook, kid, but it’s got some pin action on it. Maybe you’re not such a crappy bowler after all.”
“Pass the steak sauce, big brother.”
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