You might remember that back in the Spring I challenged my car dealership clients to find me a super used car within my plant lady budget. "Little Rusty", my 25 year old Toyota, has decided to retire after a long, useful life. It still runs like a champ but its windshield is cracked, its radio and air don't work, it needs four new tires and its body is . . . well, rusty. The dealers presented for my approval a variety of vehicles. None rang any bells for me.
Then a few weeks ago (when we were up to our rears in snow), my counterpart in West Geekatopia offered to sell me her 1999 Subaru Outback - a car I have been lusting after since she bought it many years ago. Price was right and I love the car, so I'm giving myself a car for my birthday! (Photo above is not the exact car but close enough) Let it be said that I have never actually PURCHASED a car. My first car was a 1965 T-Bird that my mom bought me. It was totaled a few years later by a drunk driver (not me). Insurance paid practically nothing - a friend found me a '62 Dodge Dart so that I could get out and about. I drove it until my dad passed away and left me his '67 Barracuda. Then about ten years ago my sister gave me her 1984 Toyota Supra (Little Rusty). So tomorrow I will buy a car - for the first time! Pretty exciting!
This week I'm seeing Outbacks everywhere. There are apparently zillions on the road - whole herds of them. Every other car in the parking lot is an Outback. It seems I am joining some kind of movement. Will have to change my image to conform - start wearing a lot of L. L. Bean, more plaid. Get myself a pair of hiking boots and a down filled parka. With the weather we have had of late I should be oh so appropriately attired.
Of course now that I am prepared to meet any wild winter weather - prepared to all-wheel-drive-it over mountainous glaciers - we will undoubtedly not see another snow flake, ever! I might have to migrate to Alaska. On second thought . . .
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