Happy New Year! It’s Samhain, 31 October, which my Irish ancestors celebrated as the last day of the year - and it’s been such a wretched year that I’ve decided not to wait for the end of December to pull the plug on it. Therefore I declare this year OVER! I start a new year tomorrow (as well as two weeks vacation). And I start a new novel when National Novel Writing Month launches its 10th year at midnight tonight. To that end I’m clearing all the old business from my desk, putting the plot notes together, gathering research materials and making sure there’s a month’s supply of coffee in the kitchen. While outside the window, cold rain is slooshing off the gutters like a waterfall.

This should be a very interesting NaNoWriMo - I’m writing the sequel to last year’s novel (Which you have just finished reading, right?). Tried to log onto the NaNoWriMo site this morning but the servers are already down for the count - which means that half the world is trying to belatedly sign up for this year’s competition. I imagine that somewhere in California there is smoke pouring out of a server rack while an army of frightened geeks swirl into confused flight like a colony of rabid bats.

To check on my novelizing progress: IF you manage to get onto the site, click on “authors” and enter “Salt Cellar” into the search window. That’s me. Now I have to get back to work!!
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