Week Four, March 2008
Poem: PLUM
Shooting from the green skin like spears
red with blood, the side shoots spurting into dangerous
forks waist high, head high reaching to directions
I cannot predict or curb, leaves curling under
in an aphid slick, mildew, scale and burn
and all the years’ careful pruning, pinching
those false starts and blind alleys and still
the buds pushing, the wind tearing through,
frost gilding ripe edges before the forecast snow
and the urge again, starting again in the dim
flow of sap through slime dark veins, worms of roots,
birds whispering their purposes on tentative
branches - and I, hardly breathing, believe
that in my garden a golden plum may,
this year, for the first time bloom.
St Patrick’s Day, Spring, Easter - What a busy week!

This week I am tempted to fill the blog with nothing but pretty pictures of Spring flowers. Brilliant yellow daffodils and frilly pink cherry trees have been stopping me in my tracks all over Geekatopia. I haven’t been much use to Molly, my new route partner, what with having to stop at every flower bed to take pictures.

The other day we took our afternoon break at the Bellevue Botanical Garden, drinking in the heady scents and sparkling colors. It took monumental will power to get back to work.

The Earth is reborn - and maybe there is hope for us yet if we can still appreciate its meaning. We silly humans fret and worry about global warming, war, the economy, civil strife, pollution, the end of the world - yet give the sweet soil half a day of warming sunshine and it unfurls tender, confident green shoots ready and willing to do the only thing they know how to do - live fully and well under the sky. We need to pay attention and learn from the miraculous planet of which we are a part.

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