I have a poem for you today (It's been some time since I got to poetizin' but it is Spring and that lends itself to poetic thought, don't ya think?). Here ya go:
Beyond the concrete curb
where parked cars soak
in the noon sun, beyond
a line of young cedars
and a fur of ferns, below
where shadows
plunge, tumbling stones
toward gravity,
there trickles a hidden
stream busy with bugs -
unnamable, unknowable,
and not counting
on you or a coming night,
not yearning, not regretting
so much as a microscopic
shift in the play
of light upon rivulets,
or drop in temperature -
anticipating nothing,
dreaming nothing,
and above all
missing nothing -
beyond anything else
alive beyond your notice
as you start you car
and drive off to lunch.